Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I can't help but smile!

The Yankees are out of the post season...again. What a great day. The disgrace that is the Yankees will once again sit and watch a "real" baseball team win the series. Oh the joy!

$$ + great individual players doesn't = championships.

Championships are won by teams. TEAM. That is what it takes to win. A good team is made up of very good players who play well together and play for each other not for a paycheck or cameras.

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the news is so delightful
The Yanks have no place to go
Yankees blow Yankees blow Yankees blow


Brandon Baca said...

welcome back...NICE...It is VERY NICE!....Stick it Steinbrenner.

Unknown said...

Word. Although, was Boston really the team you hoped would win? We really wanted it to be Cleveland and the Rockies in the WS...only slightly less offensive than the Yanks are the Red Sox.