Wednesday, January 21, 2009

After I used each and every tool in my arsenal/garage, I found the Holy Grail of possum removal tools...a rake.

A hoe, broom, paint roller extension pole, pellet gun, a barrage of wiffle balls, shifting my shoes, whistling, clapping - all weapons one might think of using to remove a possum. But the second I scrapped the rake on the garage floor the possum freaked out. He couldn't stand the sound. Every time it scratched the concrete, his body flinched. Eventually he ran out so fast like Rosie O'Donnell at a Republican National Convention.

So note to all - use a rake and scrap it on the floor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried using the shop vac. I really don't know why that was my first choice. OK, next time I'll go for the rake instead.