Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I don't read books...

But I got in bed way past my bed time and hours past my 1.5 year old son's bed time. I grabbed my reading light, yes I have a reading light and I'm not an AARP member. It attaches to the back of your book which makes for an interesting balancing act to keep your book up-right. Also it has a 6 foot wire running to the cigarette carton-sized battery pack, which doesn't keep the flow of electricity consistently causing the light to skip between bright to dim to retinal damage to bright again. (no wonder I thought it was The Chronicles of Barney and couldn't find the silly purple blob-thingy singing songs with 2 teeth. I mean really he has one tooth on his top jaw and one on the bottom jaw...I KNOW HE DOESN'T FLOSS-LUCKY!)

I started Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller. I figured I'd begin by enjoying chapter one, fall asleep in the middle of chapter two and try a week later picking back up and then getting frustrated that I forgot where I was, then placing it in a prominent spot where people would see it and think, "Wow he reads books". But I couldn't put it down. I loved it.

It was 1:45 AM when I realized I had read the first two chapters and wasn't even blurry-eyed. So I put it down and picked up the next day. I'm not done, but it's a fun book.

I appreciate Don's style. (We had lunch once so we call each other by shortened versions of our first names...well I do; he can't figure out how to shorten Mac.) I feel as if we are sitting at a coffee house and he is talking about last week, while a couple of guys across the fence drum out an earthy beat on weathered Djembes.

You should check this book out. I hope you will experience it the way I have. Of course your reading light is probably better than mine...whatever.

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